How Keystone Works

A smart choice for safety-conscious individuals seeking financial security.
  • Guaranteed growth
  • Stability of principal
  • Tax deferral
  • Guaranteed lifetime income
Protect Your Future
Whether you’re preparing for retirement or already enjoying retirement, a fixed annuity can be a smart way to safeguard your retirement income with guaranteed returns. Fixed annuities offer guaranteed tax-deferred growth, protection of principal and lifetime income.

Fixed Index Annuity

Available in a 5, 7, or 10 year term, the Keystone product gives policyholders the security of a guaranteed minimum rate, while also enjoying the upside potential of the S&P 500 index. Interest rate caps and participation rates are declared annually. Indexed interest is credited annually, while funds allocated to the fixed interest strategy are credited with interest daily.

5, 7, or 10 Year Surrender Charge term.

10% of the premium amount is available penalty free in year 1. In subsequent years, 10% of the account value is available penalty free.

Is the product right for you?

A traditional fixed annuity may appeal to you if:

You wish to participate in a portion of the upside of the index growth potential, while eliminating your downside risk.

You need to rollover a lump-sum payment from a company-sponsored retirement or pension plan.

You want to contribute to an annuity because you’ve already contributed the maximum to your IRA or other qualified plans.

Keystone Annuity Types

Keystone 5
Fixed Index Annuity gives policyholders the security of a guaranteed minimum rate, while also enjoying the upside potential of the S&P 500 index. Interest Rates, Interest rate caps and participation rates are guaranteed for the first year. Thereafter, rates will be declared annually, but will never reset below the minimum guaranteed rates. Indexed interest is credited annually, while funds allocated to the fixed interest strategy are credited with interest daily and compounded annually. The Keystone 5 has a five-year surrender charge schedule and allows for 10% penalty withdrawals providing liquidity during the early withdrawal period.
Keystone 7
Fixed Index Annuity gives policyholders the security of a guaranteed minimum rate, while also enjoying the upside potential of the S&P 500 index. Interest Rates, Interest rate caps and participation rates are guaranteed for the first year. Thereafter, rates will be declared annually, but will never reset below the minimum guaranteed rates. Indexed interest is credited annually, while funds allocated to the fixed interest strategy are credited with interest daily and compounded annually. The Keystone 7 has a seven-year surrender charge schedule and allows for 10% penalty withdrawals providing liquidity during the early withdrawal period.
Keystone 10
Fixed Index Annuity gives policyholders the security of a guaranteed minimum rate, while also enjoying the upside potential of the S&P 500 index. Interest Rates, Interest rate caps and participation rates are guaranteed for the first year. Thereafter, rates will be declared annually, but will never reset below the minimum guaranteed rates. Indexed interest is credited annually, while funds allocated to the fixed interest strategy are credited with interest daily and compounded annually. The Keystone 10 has a ten-year surrender charge schedule and allows for 10% penalty withdrawals providing liquidity during the early withdrawal period.
Standard and Poor’s 500®
Created in 1957, the S&P 500 was the first U.S. market-cap-weighted stock market index. Today, it’s the basis of many listed and over-the-counter investment instruments. This world-renowned index includes 500 of the top companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy.
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